Mytransportdeal exclusively offers you door to door prices with all charges included to and from all of Scandinavia!
You can see all the scheduled departures and choose the one that fits you the best.
For each booking, we confirm the details with you first and follow up on everything needed during the transport. Such as contact with the supplier, handling documents, tracking, customs, last mile, etc.

Our prices and solution are focused on Scandinavia.

Calculate your price by simply choosing your destinations, transport mode, container type or volume and weight.
You can use a OTP (one time password). Contact us to get a free account or if you need any assistance!

Welcome to

Transportdeal is a fast-growing logistic company that offers first-class support with a focus on creativity, knowledge, accessibility and market-attractive prices.

As one of the few Swedish freight forwarders we offer instant spot prices and online booking for sea, land, train and air shipping for instant quotes and bookings.

We always do our utmost to reduce administration and local hassle related to booked transports with us.

Our way of working:

Innovative – Open and creative to customer and employee solutions.
Transparent Communication and Collaboration. We communicate openly.
Focus on good relations with partners.
Vetted and large network of agents.
Premium support that exceeds customers expectations.

Global presence - Nordic reliability

Transportdeal has since 2020 handled medical equipment from Asia to Europe and the USA with high demands on delivery time and price regardless of the situation on the ground. We have delivered tens of millions of medical equipment during a very tough and intensive period.

Through in-house experience and recruitments, we have gathered a lot of expertise and a large established thoroughly vetted international network of agents that we have handpicked and worked with for a long, stressful and intensive period.

We pride ourselves with the reviews we receive from our customers. 

What make us different?

“During a very challenging time during the Pandemic, we are happy with the support and knowledge Transportdeal have provided us in terms of getting our goods from China. We had numerous issues with our supplier, which resulted in cancelled pick up, cancelled freights, change of destinations and other problems. Transportdeal was always there to support us and provide us with very competitive rates. We can recommend them as a good partner to work with.”

Steve Brogan, CEO, Ooberstock Limited ( )

"I have been in contact with Transportdeal for imports from China. They where available and helpful during the day, evenings, weekends, and in the middle of the holidays. There are very few who offer this commitment, which is valuable when you need it the most!”

Tomas Nilsson, Purchase manager, Mec Gruppen AB ( )

“Transportdeal helped us deliver urgent deliveries that would often be picked up and delivered the same day during the first Covid-19 wave. We are very satisfied with the help we have received throughout the period with both price and service.”

Jessica Lindersson, Logistic coordinator, Frost Pharma AB ( )

“Transportdeal is an esteemed logistics partner for us. They find solutions and alternatives that give us security in getting goods quickly, cheaply and above all safely. With a top-class customer service where fast and clear communication has helped us grow tremendously."

Patrick Bern, VP, Mooni ( )

Market-attractive prices

A fast growing logistic company that offers first-class support with a focus on creativity, knowledge, accessibility and market-attractive prices.

Solution orientated

Open for creative solutions and willing to adapt to every situation and need.

World class customer service

We always do our utmost to reduce administration related to booked transports with us.

Our Experience

Delivered PPE in time (personal protective equipment)

Transportdeal has since 2020-handled medical equipment from Asia to Europe and to the USA with high demands on delivery time and price regardless of the situation on the ground.

Countries Covered

Large established thoroughly vetted international network of agents that we have handpicked and worked with for a long, stressful and intensive period.

Satisfied Clients

We pride ourselves with the reviews we receive from our customers.

Years of experience

Through in-house experience and well-planned recruitments, we have gathered over 50 years of experience.

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Our newsletters focus on important  news that needs to be comunicated such as lock downs, price changes and added services and routings. Sign up to stay informed.